

Escaping the algorithmic ghetto with Hvroje Moric.

A wide-ranging and thoroughly enjoyable discussion with Hrvoje Moric from Geopolitics & Empire.

We consider the algorithmic ghetto being built for humanity and how to escape it. As well as the importance of spirituality and community as an antidote to the Secularist, Humanist, Atheist, Materialist (SHAM) system that defines the contemporary West.

I was particular interested in Hvroje's thoughts on the future of academia, as well as the technical and trade skills that will be most valuable in the years ahead as we rebuild our societies outside of the global control grid.

You can follow Geopolitics & Empire via Hvroje’s excellent website and Telegram channel.

The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with prominent international experts on a wide-range of topics.

Past guests have included diplomats, government officials, whistleblowers, soldiers, spies, economists, academics, scientists, wealthy investors, dissidents, journalists, and musicians.

The broadcast seeks to gain insight from guests who come from the left, right, and beyond. It should go without saying that the host does not always agree with beliefs espoused by podcast invitees, but maintains an open mind, and believes it important to respectfully listen to a multitude of voices and let listeners come to their own conclusions.

Thanks to Hvroje for taking the time.

From the coast.

E pluribus unum.

Ben Rubin

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