Hi Ben, brilliant as always... I messaged you yestrerday on Signal, (in a horribly scrappy way... sorry... but, somewhat synchronistically), about the tyrannies imposed on school kids these days... which are attempts to remove, not only the ability to think for themselves, but actually demonise natural thinking, and prevent normal, natural relational development, thereby crippling school kids emotionally... thus, ultimately undermining their ability to learn on any level... so, whilst I completely see why you say that the introduction of AI, and other technologies in schools is so corrosive where potential intelligence is concerned, I don't feel that it's ultimately "the most destructive move that's ever happened, removing the ability to think..." Kids are being prevented from complementing each other in state schools these days, for example... and so, this will ultimately lock each individual pupil / student in a mental prison... further compounding the psychological harms done by the isolation of the last few years... there will be no need to ever lock us down again if everyone is in prison in their own minds.
My condolences, Alex. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.
Sad to hear of your mother, Alex. Best thoughts.
Very interesting. In particular... I've read that much of human history was inherited through stories.
Hi Ben, brilliant as always... I messaged you yestrerday on Signal, (in a horribly scrappy way... sorry... but, somewhat synchronistically), about the tyrannies imposed on school kids these days... which are attempts to remove, not only the ability to think for themselves, but actually demonise natural thinking, and prevent normal, natural relational development, thereby crippling school kids emotionally... thus, ultimately undermining their ability to learn on any level... so, whilst I completely see why you say that the introduction of AI, and other technologies in schools is so corrosive where potential intelligence is concerned, I don't feel that it's ultimately "the most destructive move that's ever happened, removing the ability to think..." Kids are being prevented from complementing each other in state schools these days, for example... and so, this will ultimately lock each individual pupil / student in a mental prison... further compounding the psychological harms done by the isolation of the last few years... there will be no need to ever lock us down again if everyone is in prison in their own minds.
Stone Walls do not a Prison make,
Nor Iron bars a Cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an Hermitage.
If I have freedom in my Love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above,
Enjoy such Liberty.
Excerpt from this poem...
To Althea, from Prison
By Richard Lovelace
When Love with unconfinèd wings
Hovers within my Gates,
And my divine Althea brings
To whisper at the Grates;
When I lie tangled in her hair,
And fettered to her eye,
The Gods that wanton in the Air,
Know no such Liberty.
When flowing Cups run swiftly round
With no allaying Thames,
Our careless heads with Roses bound,
Our hearts with Loyal Flames;
When thirsty grief in Wine we steep,
When Healths and draughts go free,
Fishes that tipple in the Deep
Know no such Liberty.
When (like committed linnets) I
With shriller throat shall sing
The sweetness, Mercy, Majesty,
And glories of my King;
When I shall voice aloud how good
He is, how Great should be,
Enlargèd Winds, that curl the Flood,
Know no such Liberty.
Stone Walls do not a Prison make,
Nor Iron bars a Cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for an Hermitage.
If I have freedom in my Love,
And in my soul am free,
Angels alone that soar above,
Enjoy such Liberty.