Simon, aka The Woodlander, has been living a decentralised, off-grid life for nearly a decade. He doesn't even have a bank account. I think I'm going to join him. Who's coming with us?
Hi! A great talk. So good to hear other people thinking like this. My wife and I and our three daughters have sold the house, moved back to Cornwall and are starting a small farm from scratch. It’s hard and slow but it’s felt right for us. So many NIMBYs around though so it’s good to hear you guys talking
DOWN THE CARROT HOLE - The Weedy Gardener . Look it up Ben, unrelated to Sam or Clarkson etc. However a Covid Turn Around Story, of one of the greatest videographers, whom made an off grid food forest system during lockdown. Smart chap! Woodlander and Sam and others as CO-OPs etc are trying to do likewise. trailer for Carrot Hole at the end ;)
Excellent on the Farming Endeavour. I wish you every success with such. I had plans to discuss with Simon over Shroom Farming, as it could be a very easy commercial venture to put on Woodlander land, that can rake in high cash yield, fast turn around crops, of highly nutritious local made food and medicinal benefits of such. Tied into Food Co-ops and home delivery of such with Veg Boxes etc, it's a winner. Clarkson made no error to start Shroom farming. Microgreens can be combined too and again, serious food and serious earner if you do it right.
Same here. Only a mate put me onto Clarksons farm last series final episodes, as Jeremy opted to shroom farm. Which I am involved in learning on hobby basis for now amid foraging etc. I know how to do such and spoken to most world experts on such and how to perfect such techniques for each aspect of smaller scale cultivation. Not warehouse level, as that is a whole new ball game.
An inspiring conversation - and a parallel plan with some teeth, it seems. I liked Simon's clear measured speaking and thinking. His vision of the whole thing sounded robust and practical. Quite reassuring. My initial nagging concerns would be regarding obstructive planning permissions. Also, the ugly threat of the technocratic totalitarians on the horizon - although building a rooted local community would be the best way to defend against the dystopian invaders.
Ouch! Profound sadness watching this as living off grid has been a desire of mine, at various times, for many years past and I could have moved in that direction eight years ago yet made the wrong decision and am now stuck in a very stressful rut. Otherwise an enjoyable and inspiring interview, thank you for posting it.
I'll politely decline to answer the question and simply say in response to the suggestion that I am too much the solitary old curmudgeon to join a group. I really do not like group activities and prefer to do things my way; I cannot stand compromise when I think I'm right, which does not mean I refuse to admit when I'm wrong. That's why I want to live on my own, with my wife of course.
As I write this I'm listening to the deleted /censored / ghosted, or whatever, TED talk given by Rupert Sheldrake. He's an interesting fellow. You're in that mould: genuinely radical, in the old sense rather than the corrupted Leftist one, thinkers who aren't afraid to ask awkward questions and say the unthinkable. I may have misunderstood him, however, he seems to be thinking of science reborn as what it was originally- natural philosophy considering life, the universe and everything holistically rather than as distinct disciplines. I've probably got that completely arse about face.
Curmudgeon, what a wonderful word. Thank you for the compliment ' a genuine radical', seems like a good thing to be :) Will check out the TED Talk. Thanks Ian, as ever :)
It found me at Bitchute, on a channel called 'Sergeant Major', subtitled 'Sergeant Major's Truther Info', and the video is titled 'Exposing Scientific Dogma', which of course, as always with click bait titles, it doesn't, really.
Interesting interview, thanks for that. I liked what he said and I went to the website.
Not keen on the wording of principle no 2. They are opposed to 'unethical interfering of globalist institutions'. What about ethical interfering? Maybe this is just me being cynical & picky but if I were him I’d look at dropping the qualifier 'unethical'.
That said, I'd like to know if there’s a group in my area and I’d be keen to drop in & find out more.
glad you enjoyed it Abi.. you may be reading a little too much into the wording :) drop them a line and see if they'r win your area, the aim is to be across the whole country
Ben forgive this message to Simon please, it is a back up to YT deleting my comment on his more recent update video:
It pertains to Simons health issues.
"Hi Simon, great update and very good interview with Ben Rubin, nice to see a long form discussion of yours. Not yet had time for the P.A conference clip but Mark Collett was discussing such on Unity News Network the other night, and in chat, we had some back and forth on such. Regarding your health if I may, I wish to put you onto a very serious medical system you may not have heard of. I could be wrong of course as most folks with autoimmune conditions such as M.E/CFS/Fibro etc have chucked the kitchen sink at such to no avail.
Hands and Feet are ruled by two different essential Mineral Building Blocks, which our own bodies produce and are literally made of. There are 12 in total which are the essential ones, for the 12 Bodily Organ Systems and 12 Cranial Nerves.
Hands are a Twin System of the Gemini Salt of Potassium Chloride. Feet are the Pisces Salt of Ferrum Phos, or Iron Phosphate (if such is feet only and not Ankles to Calves). Which are Aquarius Salt of SALINE NaCal Sodium Chloride, the Water Bearer. Hence Oedema is water retention in the calves and is fixed by Saline, which causes Osmosis, to re-draw excess tissue fluids, back into the bodies cells, from which they have leaked, and coupled with lack of calve muscle movements, that have failed to venous return properly, such as with long haul flights, or prolonged sat down inactivity, which can also cause deep vein thrombosis.
So, you Simon are potentially lacking these two critical mineral tissue salts, which manifests in the hands and feet/ankles symptoms you suffer. The Pisces lack, rules your red blood cells, which would also cause fatigue, as your Gemini Lungs, cannot utilise Oxygen properly via Haemoglobin due to an Iron deficiency. I hope that makes sense? All body parts deficiencies, or excesses, from diet etc, will cause a relevant organ systems body part, to manifest a given symptom. This is the key to fixing such issue.
Now such Mineral Tissue Salts are an allegorically coded medical system, hidden in all world faiths and the Bible. Each persons own Zodiac sign, means in 3rd Trimester of pregnancy, they were lacking the final 3 salts of the system, as it's 9 not 12 months pregnancy, and their mothers bodies did not provide the last 3 salts. This means each star sign, will likely suffer from ailments of the final 3 lacking salts of their 3rd Trimester. So I would hazard a guess you are either Gemini, Pisces or Aquarius by birth. I could of course be wrong. Usually I am not with most peoples ailments they mention. Outside factors of toxic exposures, or vaccines etc could disrupt this basic pattern.
So I would suggest to you Simon, that you look into the research of Steve Falconer of SPACEBUSTERS channel (here on YT or BITCHUTE for example) and his various films on this issue.
Such as: https://old . bitchute . com/video/e2pLOkfwlgOW/ "12 CRITICAL BIOCHEMICAL COMPONENTS WE NEED TO SAY ALIVE" A 1 hour overview.
"BIOCHEMISTRY DEBUNKS CHICKENPOX, FREEMASONRY and RELIGION" a longer 3hr video: https://odysee . com/@spacebusters:c9/biochemistry-debunks-chicken-pox:f?
Which are based on the work of Dr Wilhelm Schuessler whom popularised the Mineral Cell Salt System when he decoded such from religious texts : https://en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Wilhelm_Heinrich_Sch%C3%BC%C3%9Fler
Which C.E Cook decried as Quackery as Commissioner of Health for Western Australia in 1946 (which is equivalent of Dr FAUSTi, telling you Covid Jabs are "safe & effective" and not to take other remedies). He decried the system, as Pharma hates medicines that actually WORK!
Wilhelm wrote the book "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation, Godman: The Word Made Flesh, The Biochemical System of Medicine (Dr Carey), Witness of the Stars (Bullinger), Dictionary of the Sacred Language of Scriptures and Myths by G.A. Gaskell and the recent video The Disease Deception by Dr Barre Lando and Mike Winner:
https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=-VSwdi4WCHE as other sources Falconer references.
The 12 Salts are best taken in a CRUCIFORM, where the body ailments deficient salt is BALANCED by 3 or 4 opposing salts. SQUARING THE CIRCLE of the AS ABOVE, SO BELOW of the Stars links to the 12 Organ Systems.
When healthy, all people should also take the Zodiac Months salt, plus take their own Birth Sign Salt and the 3 prior months lacking salts daily.
A more modern book on Cell Salts is here: https://zoboko . com/text/dnrrqx8l/facial-diagnosis-of-cell-salt-deficiencies-the-many-usue-and-benefits-of-using-cell-salts-with-color-illustrations-for-facial-diagnosis/1
Whilst Wilhelms Zodiac Cell Salt book is here: https://archive . org/details/ZodiacAndTheSaltsOfSalvationGeorgeWCarey/mode/2up
I would suggest you watch and read and learn this system Simon and see if it aids your hand and foot and autoimmune fatigue issues.
Cell Salts can be bought as NON COMBO ones from Holland & Barett, or via EBAY in a non Schuessler branding as 12 SEPERATE SALTS, so you can fine tune such salts to your given conditions.
When healthy you can also opt for a kind of coverall "12 in One" maintenance dose, as does Steve Falconer. Salts are LACTOSE BASED, or can be obtained in LIQUID FORMS instead, if Lactose Intolerant. They simply taken SUBLINGUAL under the tongue, to avoid stomach acids ruining them. HELIOS brand that Falconer uses, sells all "12 as ONE" in various forms here: https://www . helios . co . uk/shop/combination-12-tissue-salts
I am NOT connected to any such shops or sales. I am merely passing on VITAL health info that everyone should experiment with. If your body is lacking these 12 things, you cannot optimally have perfected cellular respiration, so you cannot fully benefit from any dietary system or other allopathic medicine. Because your engine is not running optimally, so malabsorption of nutrients etc is guaranteed, until you have fine tuned the Solomons Temple of the Alchemists body, so that via air alone, you can transmute all things to pure Quicksilver Mercury or Christos Fluid. As Falconer will explain if you watch and read and heed what he and I are saying here in passing this on to you.
I do hope it helps Simon. Woodlander is a great initiative. I did mention to you in the past to also consider ADVERSE POSSESSION to obtain FREE LAND!! https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=wER9O7hRicA&ab_channel=KerrbearAdventures
Takes far longer!! Pity we cannot get just ONE QUID from everyone in UK. You could snap up 6800 ACRES of land at average 10k an acre! A TENNER and thats 68000 ACRES of public owned land. Pity folks are so stoopid, they fail to see what the price of a few coffees could guarantee them free access to thereafter, forever! OH WELL....
I suspect YT will auto delete my comment lol too! I'll copy it to Ben Rubins thread just in case!
Bless you ben. Seems YT did not delete my comment as expected, due to breaking the links up with spaces. Seems Simon has took on board my time to offer him medical info which MAY perhaps benefit him. I do hope so. Silica as per Prof Exley and Lions Mane Shroom would also be wise moves for him. As per ANYONE. AS Cell Salt No.12 Sillica of Saggitarius, is VITAL to remove Aluminium from the body. ;)
Very interesting listen. I want to agree with more of this discussion, but it's woolly on specifics such as whether there are actually any functioning communities already set up this way in England. Also how one copes with daily life without a bank account. Then there were aspects not touched upon at all, such as protection of communities against marauders, which these days could consist of a couple of large front loaders shoveling through a village to clear the land with next to no warning - would paperwork saying it's owned mean anything? Also, if one is off-grid, yet reliant on cities continued existence for their tech or services when required, how much organic veg would need to be exchanged for such items? There was no clarification of how off-grid communities would interface with large, established systems.
Hi Pauline, I try to keep the conversations to around an hour as people are very busy and there's so much content out there. I agree though, a follow up conversation would be useful and I'm speaking to Simon about lining something up over the next few weeks as this one really seems to have resonated with people.
Great and timely discussion, thank you Ben and Simon. On a technical note, can we maybe lose the embedded captions please? Always prefer a choice to turn these off, otherwise too distracting :)
Hi Michael, glad you enjoyed it. regarding captions, there seems to be an option to toggle them off and on in Substack now so I will look at not embedding them into the video during the editing process.
Yes, you can toggle them off and on, which makes embedding not really necessary I guess. Unless, that is, you especially want to present the graphics in your own style and font, as the automatic captions are a bit crude.
Oh, I wish I could but, I have an autistic son who relies on me and my wife is not with the best of health, we are a tad concerned with her memory at present. Her mother had dementia. Not a good time at present for any of us. And, I’m not a spring chicken anymore.
have you considered joining the Woodlander Initiative as it gives access to land for members to use for recreational purposes, even if they aren't building their own communities.
In addition to your excellent advice, I would advise look at Prof Chris Exley of Keele Uni, as Mr Aluminium, and his detailed Dementia/Alzheimers and Parkinsons research, where Aluminium bio-accumulation, is the main driver of such Neurological conditions and how SILICA is the simple cure. SILICA will re-bind to free Aluminium for excretion, either taken as supplements, Mineral Tissue Cell Salts, or even simply Silica rich mineral waters such as Volvic and various other brands. Injected vaccine Aluminium Adjuvants being especially dangerous, such as in Flu Shots, causing the Elderly rapid dementia, or in unfortunate children, triggering autism too. The latter discovery landed Exley in trouble with Pharma lobby for this vaccine link to autism. Silica has been slowly shown to improve even autism symptoms. In addition Lions Mane Mushroom should be taken, as it is a natural re-myelination cure, and can repair neuron damage from such exposures and life time burden of Aluminium from cookware, drink cans, or injected from vaccines.
I agree with the advice to follow Prof Chris Exley on Substack. However, I'm sure he would prefer to hear such recommendations use the term SILICIC ACID since that is the only form which his research has shown to be effective at helping to clear aluminium from the body, and only within volcanic waters high in silicic acid. There are several easily available brands - I get a monthly supply delivered.
Good spot. I would argue however, that Exley hit very late upon SILICA itself as a form of cure. It is listed in the Mineral Salt System as Saggitarius itself, as the NERVE INSULATOR due to its ability to remove natural aluminium which even the ancients encountered, not having split such into Alu from its oxides and bauxites etc. So SILICA in all forms, as supplements from even bamboo or as Mineral TIssue Salt, appear to have been around far longer than Prof Exley re-twigging this idea. Just as per say Mohammed bah Abbas of the Rolex Prize, re-realising ancient KBUH Egyptian pot in pot evaporative cooling methods, often called ZEER Pots these days.
For instance as linked above re 12 salts, Silica is listed there all along. Lions Mane Mushroom a wise accompaniment to re-myelinate from heavy metal, or Alu damage to such CNS/PNS system.
Just for your own or Simons initiatives knowledge, it is wise to incorporate Solar Tech not just as Solar Panels on rooves, but as Solar Water systems, or as geo-termal ones in simple DIY tech methods. Solar Cookers and autoclaves even, or kettles or lots more, like Solar Distillers, or de-salinators, all owrk perfectly fine in English Weather, when Gates and CO are not blocking the sunshine (perhaps). I have personally roasted chicken, cooked game meat fish dairy rice dishes etc in such products or powered my own permanent solar kettles from such systems. Portable panel cookers are excellent and if you can make tyre or box oven solar cookers you can even bake breads and such in our climate. I did so in pre Easter Manchester weak sunshine at one point. So this stuff works. Parabolics, or Fresnel Cookers and you open a new realm too, whereby such can even smelt rock and metals in proper sunshine!
I have tested most of these designs and can advise which are worth your build time etc. Plus modern ones on a commercial basis on vacumn tube tech are also worth a gander. Problem being in a grid situation of any Collapse of a society, is all solar tech, like fires smoke, will give your position away!
Slightly Offtopic to Woodlander yet related, I just saw a great short clip on ORANIA in South Africa, where they built their own community/token currency system and are now a recognised separate country
Hi! A great talk. So good to hear other people thinking like this. My wife and I and our three daughters have sold the house, moved back to Cornwall and are starting a small farm from scratch. It’s hard and slow but it’s felt right for us. So many NIMBYs around though so it’s good to hear you guys talking
sounds like you and me should record an interview Sam.. Do you fancy it? Would love to find out more about your adventure
DOWN THE CARROT HOLE - The Weedy Gardener . Look it up Ben, unrelated to Sam or Clarkson etc. However a Covid Turn Around Story, of one of the greatest videographers, whom made an off grid food forest system during lockdown. Smart chap! Woodlander and Sam and others as CO-OPs etc are trying to do likewise. trailer for Carrot Hole at the end ;)
Clarkson meanwhile had to learn that Mushrooms are Penises from Space!! Ahahahhaha
Ben, yes Could be good. We are 1 year in to the adventure now. I use instagram to keep a record of what we have done:
That could be cool. There are definitely a lot of elements to talk about.
Excellent on the Farming Endeavour. I wish you every success with such. I had plans to discuss with Simon over Shroom Farming, as it could be a very easy commercial venture to put on Woodlander land, that can rake in high cash yield, fast turn around crops, of highly nutritious local made food and medicinal benefits of such. Tied into Food Co-ops and home delivery of such with Veg Boxes etc, it's a winner. Clarkson made no error to start Shroom farming. Microgreens can be combined too and again, serious food and serious earner if you do it right.
Now we're talking
Thanks. It’s funny, as we don’t have a TV we had not watched Clarksons farm untill very recently.
Same here. Only a mate put me onto Clarksons farm last series final episodes, as Jeremy opted to shroom farm. Which I am involved in learning on hobby basis for now amid foraging etc. I know how to do such and spoken to most world experts on such and how to perfect such techniques for each aspect of smaller scale cultivation. Not warehouse level, as that is a whole new ball game.
An inspiring conversation - and a parallel plan with some teeth, it seems. I liked Simon's clear measured speaking and thinking. His vision of the whole thing sounded robust and practical. Quite reassuring. My initial nagging concerns would be regarding obstructive planning permissions. Also, the ugly threat of the technocratic totalitarians on the horizon - although building a rooted local community would be the best way to defend against the dystopian invaders.
thanks Nigel, yes he's great isn't he. And I agree it has teeth! Practical action!
Totally switched on man. Shame I cant afford to go join him because if I did I would have already and be living off grid.
it's the future, I'm convinced of it
Ouch! Profound sadness watching this as living off grid has been a desire of mine, at various times, for many years past and I could have moved in that direction eight years ago yet made the wrong decision and am now stuck in a very stressful rut. Otherwise an enjoyable and inspiring interview, thank you for posting it.
Ian, how can we break you out of that rut? glad you enjoyed the interview. Maybe join the Woodlander Iniative as a starting point?
I'll politely decline to answer the question and simply say in response to the suggestion that I am too much the solitary old curmudgeon to join a group. I really do not like group activities and prefer to do things my way; I cannot stand compromise when I think I'm right, which does not mean I refuse to admit when I'm wrong. That's why I want to live on my own, with my wife of course.
As I write this I'm listening to the deleted /censored / ghosted, or whatever, TED talk given by Rupert Sheldrake. He's an interesting fellow. You're in that mould: genuinely radical, in the old sense rather than the corrupted Leftist one, thinkers who aren't afraid to ask awkward questions and say the unthinkable. I may have misunderstood him, however, he seems to be thinking of science reborn as what it was originally- natural philosophy considering life, the universe and everything holistically rather than as distinct disciplines. I've probably got that completely arse about face.
Curmudgeon, what a wonderful word. Thank you for the compliment ' a genuine radical', seems like a good thing to be :) Will check out the TED Talk. Thanks Ian, as ever :)
It found me at Bitchute, on a channel called 'Sergeant Major', subtitled 'Sergeant Major's Truther Info', and the video is titled 'Exposing Scientific Dogma', which of course, as always with click bait titles, it doesn't, really.
Interesting interview, thanks for that. I liked what he said and I went to the website.
Not keen on the wording of principle no 2. They are opposed to 'unethical interfering of globalist institutions'. What about ethical interfering? Maybe this is just me being cynical & picky but if I were him I’d look at dropping the qualifier 'unethical'.
That said, I'd like to know if there’s a group in my area and I’d be keen to drop in & find out more.
glad you enjoyed it Abi.. you may be reading a little too much into the wording :) drop them a line and see if they'r win your area, the aim is to be across the whole country
Maybe so! What can I say, I'm just a product of a low-trust society, struggling to find the right level of paranoia :)
Ben forgive this message to Simon please, it is a back up to YT deleting my comment on his more recent update video:
It pertains to Simons health issues.
"Hi Simon, great update and very good interview with Ben Rubin, nice to see a long form discussion of yours. Not yet had time for the P.A conference clip but Mark Collett was discussing such on Unity News Network the other night, and in chat, we had some back and forth on such. Regarding your health if I may, I wish to put you onto a very serious medical system you may not have heard of. I could be wrong of course as most folks with autoimmune conditions such as M.E/CFS/Fibro etc have chucked the kitchen sink at such to no avail.
Hands and Feet are ruled by two different essential Mineral Building Blocks, which our own bodies produce and are literally made of. There are 12 in total which are the essential ones, for the 12 Bodily Organ Systems and 12 Cranial Nerves.
Hands are a Twin System of the Gemini Salt of Potassium Chloride. Feet are the Pisces Salt of Ferrum Phos, or Iron Phosphate (if such is feet only and not Ankles to Calves). Which are Aquarius Salt of SALINE NaCal Sodium Chloride, the Water Bearer. Hence Oedema is water retention in the calves and is fixed by Saline, which causes Osmosis, to re-draw excess tissue fluids, back into the bodies cells, from which they have leaked, and coupled with lack of calve muscle movements, that have failed to venous return properly, such as with long haul flights, or prolonged sat down inactivity, which can also cause deep vein thrombosis.
So, you Simon are potentially lacking these two critical mineral tissue salts, which manifests in the hands and feet/ankles symptoms you suffer. The Pisces lack, rules your red blood cells, which would also cause fatigue, as your Gemini Lungs, cannot utilise Oxygen properly via Haemoglobin due to an Iron deficiency. I hope that makes sense? All body parts deficiencies, or excesses, from diet etc, will cause a relevant organ systems body part, to manifest a given symptom. This is the key to fixing such issue.
Now such Mineral Tissue Salts are an allegorically coded medical system, hidden in all world faiths and the Bible. Each persons own Zodiac sign, means in 3rd Trimester of pregnancy, they were lacking the final 3 salts of the system, as it's 9 not 12 months pregnancy, and their mothers bodies did not provide the last 3 salts. This means each star sign, will likely suffer from ailments of the final 3 lacking salts of their 3rd Trimester. So I would hazard a guess you are either Gemini, Pisces or Aquarius by birth. I could of course be wrong. Usually I am not with most peoples ailments they mention. Outside factors of toxic exposures, or vaccines etc could disrupt this basic pattern.
So I would suggest to you Simon, that you look into the research of Steve Falconer of SPACEBUSTERS channel (here on YT or BITCHUTE for example) and his various films on this issue.
Such as: https://old . bitchute . com/video/e2pLOkfwlgOW/ "12 CRITICAL BIOCHEMICAL COMPONENTS WE NEED TO SAY ALIVE" A 1 hour overview.
"BIOCHEMISTRY DEBUNKS CHICKENPOX, FREEMASONRY and RELIGION" a longer 3hr video: https://odysee . com/@spacebusters:c9/biochemistry-debunks-chicken-pox:f?
Which are based on the work of Dr Wilhelm Schuessler whom popularised the Mineral Cell Salt System when he decoded such from religious texts : https://en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Wilhelm_Heinrich_Sch%C3%BC%C3%9Fler
Which C.E Cook decried as Quackery as Commissioner of Health for Western Australia in 1946 (which is equivalent of Dr FAUSTi, telling you Covid Jabs are "safe & effective" and not to take other remedies). He decried the system, as Pharma hates medicines that actually WORK!
Wilhelm wrote the book "The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation, Godman: The Word Made Flesh, The Biochemical System of Medicine (Dr Carey), Witness of the Stars (Bullinger), Dictionary of the Sacred Language of Scriptures and Myths by G.A. Gaskell and the recent video The Disease Deception by Dr Barre Lando and Mike Winner:
https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=-VSwdi4WCHE as other sources Falconer references.
The 12 Salts are best taken in a CRUCIFORM, where the body ailments deficient salt is BALANCED by 3 or 4 opposing salts. SQUARING THE CIRCLE of the AS ABOVE, SO BELOW of the Stars links to the 12 Organ Systems.
When healthy, all people should also take the Zodiac Months salt, plus take their own Birth Sign Salt and the 3 prior months lacking salts daily.
A more modern book on Cell Salts is here: https://zoboko . com/text/dnrrqx8l/facial-diagnosis-of-cell-salt-deficiencies-the-many-usue-and-benefits-of-using-cell-salts-with-color-illustrations-for-facial-diagnosis/1
Whilst Wilhelms Zodiac Cell Salt book is here: https://archive . org/details/ZodiacAndTheSaltsOfSalvationGeorgeWCarey/mode/2up
I would suggest you watch and read and learn this system Simon and see if it aids your hand and foot and autoimmune fatigue issues.
Cell Salts can be bought as NON COMBO ones from Holland & Barett, or via EBAY in a non Schuessler branding as 12 SEPERATE SALTS, so you can fine tune such salts to your given conditions.
When healthy you can also opt for a kind of coverall "12 in One" maintenance dose, as does Steve Falconer. Salts are LACTOSE BASED, or can be obtained in LIQUID FORMS instead, if Lactose Intolerant. They simply taken SUBLINGUAL under the tongue, to avoid stomach acids ruining them. HELIOS brand that Falconer uses, sells all "12 as ONE" in various forms here: https://www . helios . co . uk/shop/combination-12-tissue-salts
I am NOT connected to any such shops or sales. I am merely passing on VITAL health info that everyone should experiment with. If your body is lacking these 12 things, you cannot optimally have perfected cellular respiration, so you cannot fully benefit from any dietary system or other allopathic medicine. Because your engine is not running optimally, so malabsorption of nutrients etc is guaranteed, until you have fine tuned the Solomons Temple of the Alchemists body, so that via air alone, you can transmute all things to pure Quicksilver Mercury or Christos Fluid. As Falconer will explain if you watch and read and heed what he and I are saying here in passing this on to you.
I do hope it helps Simon. Woodlander is a great initiative. I did mention to you in the past to also consider ADVERSE POSSESSION to obtain FREE LAND!! https://www . youtube . com/watch?v=wER9O7hRicA&ab_channel=KerrbearAdventures
Takes far longer!! Pity we cannot get just ONE QUID from everyone in UK. You could snap up 6800 ACRES of land at average 10k an acre! A TENNER and thats 68000 ACRES of public owned land. Pity folks are so stoopid, they fail to see what the price of a few coffees could guarantee them free access to thereafter, forever! OH WELL....
I suspect YT will auto delete my comment lol too! I'll copy it to Ben Rubins thread just in case!
Good luck Simon and Namaste & Inlak'ech
You are doing GOOD WORK!!"
I have sent it to him directly
Bless you ben. Seems YT did not delete my comment as expected, due to breaking the links up with spaces. Seems Simon has took on board my time to offer him medical info which MAY perhaps benefit him. I do hope so. Silica as per Prof Exley and Lions Mane Shroom would also be wise moves for him. As per ANYONE. AS Cell Salt No.12 Sillica of Saggitarius, is VITAL to remove Aluminium from the body. ;)
Very interesting listen. I want to agree with more of this discussion, but it's woolly on specifics such as whether there are actually any functioning communities already set up this way in England. Also how one copes with daily life without a bank account. Then there were aspects not touched upon at all, such as protection of communities against marauders, which these days could consist of a couple of large front loaders shoveling through a village to clear the land with next to no warning - would paperwork saying it's owned mean anything? Also, if one is off-grid, yet reliant on cities continued existence for their tech or services when required, how much organic veg would need to be exchanged for such items? There was no clarification of how off-grid communities would interface with large, established systems.
Hi Pauline, I try to keep the conversations to around an hour as people are very busy and there's so much content out there. I agree though, a follow up conversation would be useful and I'm speaking to Simon about lining something up over the next few weeks as this one really seems to have resonated with people.
Awesome interview. I'm signing up with the other W.I. xxxx
me too!
Great and timely discussion, thank you Ben and Simon. On a technical note, can we maybe lose the embedded captions please? Always prefer a choice to turn these off, otherwise too distracting :)
Hi Michael, glad you enjoyed it. regarding captions, there seems to be an option to toggle them off and on in Substack now so I will look at not embedding them into the video during the editing process.
Yes, you can toggle them off and on, which makes embedding not really necessary I guess. Unless, that is, you especially want to present the graphics in your own style and font, as the automatic captions are a bit crude.
Oh, I wish I could but, I have an autistic son who relies on me and my wife is not with the best of health, we are a tad concerned with her memory at present. Her mother had dementia. Not a good time at present for any of us. And, I’m not a spring chicken anymore.
have you considered joining the Woodlander Initiative as it gives access to land for members to use for recreational purposes, even if they aren't building their own communities.
Try upping animal fat (butter also) or coconut oil every day and cut all carbohydrates and sugar- really works against dementia/memory.
In addition to your excellent advice, I would advise look at Prof Chris Exley of Keele Uni, as Mr Aluminium, and his detailed Dementia/Alzheimers and Parkinsons research, where Aluminium bio-accumulation, is the main driver of such Neurological conditions and how SILICA is the simple cure. SILICA will re-bind to free Aluminium for excretion, either taken as supplements, Mineral Tissue Cell Salts, or even simply Silica rich mineral waters such as Volvic and various other brands. Injected vaccine Aluminium Adjuvants being especially dangerous, such as in Flu Shots, causing the Elderly rapid dementia, or in unfortunate children, triggering autism too. The latter discovery landed Exley in trouble with Pharma lobby for this vaccine link to autism. Silica has been slowly shown to improve even autism symptoms. In addition Lions Mane Mushroom should be taken, as it is a natural re-myelination cure, and can repair neuron damage from such exposures and life time burden of Aluminium from cookware, drink cans, or injected from vaccines.
Here is Exley explaining such from a far longer vaccine safety lecture.
Silica waters by brand comparison.
Silica Cell Salt No.12 in this range but other brands exist too.
I agree with the advice to follow Prof Chris Exley on Substack. However, I'm sure he would prefer to hear such recommendations use the term SILICIC ACID since that is the only form which his research has shown to be effective at helping to clear aluminium from the body, and only within volcanic waters high in silicic acid. There are several easily available brands - I get a monthly supply delivered.
Good spot. I would argue however, that Exley hit very late upon SILICA itself as a form of cure. It is listed in the Mineral Salt System as Saggitarius itself, as the NERVE INSULATOR due to its ability to remove natural aluminium which even the ancients encountered, not having split such into Alu from its oxides and bauxites etc. So SILICA in all forms, as supplements from even bamboo or as Mineral TIssue Salt, appear to have been around far longer than Prof Exley re-twigging this idea. Just as per say Mohammed bah Abbas of the Rolex Prize, re-realising ancient KBUH Egyptian pot in pot evaporative cooling methods, often called ZEER Pots these days.
For instance as linked above re 12 salts, Silica is listed there all along. Lions Mane Mushroom a wise accompaniment to re-myelinate from heavy metal, or Alu damage to such CNS/PNS system.
It is within the ancient Zodiac Wheel.
Pick a pic:
Just for your own or Simons initiatives knowledge, it is wise to incorporate Solar Tech not just as Solar Panels on rooves, but as Solar Water systems, or as geo-termal ones in simple DIY tech methods. Solar Cookers and autoclaves even, or kettles or lots more, like Solar Distillers, or de-salinators, all owrk perfectly fine in English Weather, when Gates and CO are not blocking the sunshine (perhaps). I have personally roasted chicken, cooked game meat fish dairy rice dishes etc in such products or powered my own permanent solar kettles from such systems. Portable panel cookers are excellent and if you can make tyre or box oven solar cookers you can even bake breads and such in our climate. I did so in pre Easter Manchester weak sunshine at one point. So this stuff works. Parabolics, or Fresnel Cookers and you open a new realm too, whereby such can even smelt rock and metals in proper sunshine!
Lots to play with. ;)
I have tested most of these designs and can advise which are worth your build time etc. Plus modern ones on a commercial basis on vacumn tube tech are also worth a gander. Problem being in a grid situation of any Collapse of a society, is all solar tech, like fires smoke, will give your position away!
No, I think you're right about RS. I'm a great admirer.
Slightly Offtopic to Woodlander yet related, I just saw a great short clip on ORANIA in South Africa, where they built their own community/token currency system and are now a recognised separate country